Our final installment of the Power Shift: Becoming an Artist Entrepreneur series is this Thursday, November 20th and we are thrilled to be hosting Anthem Salgado from Art of Hustle. His workshop will be inspired by themes warriorship, transformation, movement, exchange, creation, sustenance, and more. We look forward to having you join us and explore solid solutions on how to successful launch your creative business.
“I get excited about programs that uplift people through both personal and professional skill-building. In my 15 year career dedicated to arts and nonprofit work, I uncovered certain patterns. Among them, that folks in these fields could stand to fortify their survival skills in business and marketing. We’re otherwise marching some of our brightest workers (the people we hope would carry the torch in the arts and community realm) off to their doom, their financial doom particularly.
Finally, however, there is a shift happening. The words “art” and “entrepreneurship” are finding their way into lots of constructive dialogues, a joining of left- and right-brain best practices. It is my aim for attendees to gain tools to be used toward more fully realized self-mastery and therefore self-determination. Brooklyn has always been home to a special brand of creativity and can-do so it’s especially fitting that this kind of forward-thinking workshop/lecture series should take place at its own Brooklyn Museum! See you all November 20th!” - Anthem Salgado, Art of HustlePosted by Alicia Boone
Photo: Ann Borja